
Anyone who knows me, knows I hate running. I often joke that I am allergic to any type of cardiovascular exercise. However I do love lifting heavy weights. A 45-pound bar, a squat rack, and heavy kettlebells makes my heart and mind happy. For me, I find inspiration, work hard, set goals and dream bigger when I do the things I enjoy and I am supported by friends, family, and colleagues. 

I truly believe inspiration can come from anywhere, at the strangest times and in unusual moments. Earlier this month, I did something I hadn't done in a long time.  I put on my running shoes, grabbed my husband, went outside and took in all of my surroundings. The day was warm (and on the cusp of hot), sunny, the birds chirping, glorious pecan trees and flowers blooming. The other thing I was reminded of yet again, is my family doesn't look like most of the families in my neighborhood. 

I often wonder to myself, 'how I need to show up today?' to control or change the narrative in someone else's mind for me to simply go out for a run, shop at the store, meet with a healthcare provider, talk to my neighbor or even something as simple as sitting on my front porch. These are only a few versions of mental gymnastics that come from a place of safety for not only myself, but also for my family.  

Back to the run, well it was more of a walk and quality time of reflection. My community is more than the place I live or the place where I am from. My community is full of people who look just like me and others who don't. I am here to support my community and call out injustice when I see it. Imagine the good we could all do if we removed the false stories and assumptions? If I can see the world from more than one place, I don't think it's too much to ask for others to do the same.   

On May 8th, Ahmaud Arbery inspired me to run. I ran for his honor, to support his family, the legacy he leaves behind, the others who were murdered before him, our ancestors and to always be a different face and color in my community.


How will you be inspired today to positively support your community?